Sunday 25 November 2012

Importance of Sicoalization

Some information on importance of socialization that can be used for my posters campaign for Tube-Talk.
The importance of socialization in our life can hardly be exaggerated. The following description makes it very clear.
1. Socialization converts man, the biological being into man, the social being.
Man is not born social; He becomes social by virtue of the process of socialization. Various instances of 'the wolf children' made it very clear that only through constant training the newborn child becomes social in nature.
2. Socialization contributes to the development of personality.
Personality is a product of society. In the absence of groups or society, no man can develop a personality of his own. But socialization is a process through which the personality of the new born child is shaped and molded. Through the process, the child learns an approved way of social life. At the same time, it also provides enough scope for the individual to develop his individuality.
3. Helps to became disciplined.
Socialization is social learning. Social learning is essentially the learning of rules of social behavior. It is the values, ideals, aims and objectives of life and the means of attaining them. Socialization disciplines an individual and helps him to live according to the social expectations.
4. Helps to enact different roles.
Every individual has to enact different roles in his life. Every role is woven around norms and is associated with different attitudes. The process of socialization assists an individual not only to learn the norms associated with roles but also to develop appropriate attitudes to enact those roles.
5. Provides the knowledge of skills.
Socialization is a way of training the newborn individual in certain skills, which are required to lead a normal social life. These skills help the individual to play economic, professional, educational, religious and political roles in his latter life. In primitive societies for, example, imparting skills to the younger generation in specific occupations was an important aspect of socialization.
6. Helps to develop right aspiration in life.
Every individual may have his own aspirations; ambitions and desires in life. All these aspirations may not always be in consonance with the social interests. Some of them even be opposed to the communal interests. But through the process of socialization an individual learns to develop those aspirations. Which are complementary to the interests of society. Socialization helps him to direct or channelize his whole energy for the realization of those aspirations.
7. Contributes to the stability of the social order.
It is through the process of socialization that every new generation is trained acceding to the Cultural goals, ideals, and expectations of a society. It assures the cultural continuity of the society. At the same time, it provides enough scope for variety and new achievements. Every new generation need not start its social life a fresh. It can conveniently rely on the earlier generation and follow in cultural traditions. In this regard, socialization contributes to the stability of the social order.
8. Helps to reduce social distance.
Socialization reduces social distance arid brings people together if proper attention is given to it. By giving proper training and guidance to the children during their early years, it is possible to reduce the social distance between people of different castes, races, regions, religions and professions.
9. Provides scope for building the bright future
Socialization is one of the powerful instruments of changing the destiny of mankind. It is through the process of socialization that a society can produce a generation of its expectations can be altered significantly. The improvement of socialization offers one of the greatest possibilities for the future alteration of human nature and human society.

Kingsley Davis.
A few more ideas on the importance of having a small talk in a business world, some of which I found might be suitable for a general chat with people you just met.

Reasons that small talk can have a big impact:

1. You Have No Idea Where It Will Go. Small talk is a gift rarely found in nature or the financial markets: It is a free option—that is, an investment with no initial cost, no risk (other than a temporarily bruised ego) and unlimited upside. Small talk can lead to a host of outcomes. When a free option comes along, you take it—every time.

2. It Makes You Smarter. A recent study by researchers at the University Of Michigan found that friendly, social interaction can boost our ability to solve problems—as, say, working a crossword puzzle might. That’s because, as Oscar Ybarra, a psychologist at the university explained: “Some social interactions induce people to try to read others’ minds and take their perspective on things.” (“Social” being the operative word: When conversations had a competitive edge, cognitive performance didn’t budge.)
3. It Feels Good. Some days the very thought of returning a verbal volley can feel exhausting. Think about it, though: How many times did a little light banter leave you feeling…a little lighter? Humans are social beings: We crave connection—that’s why Facebook founder Mark Zukenberg is worth $17.5 billion—and small talk, while maybe not scintillating, is a way to connect.

4. It Opens Your Eyes. Small talk makes you pay attention. Yoga types call it “living in the present.” I call it “putting down your stupid smart phone long enough to have a conversation with a human being in three dimensions.” Whatever you call it, it’s a good thing.
5. You’ll Be Liked. If you want, as the book says, to make friends and influence people, being liked is important. People like people who are generous (and confident) enough to engage them. Small talk isn’t just about being gregarious or entertaining—it’s a gesture of respect.


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